sir mores chauntry preist of the hospital of S. Thomas

To the iiiith I Remember nothing that mr morish moved me vnto but he browght me twys articles stz that Mr topstes was a commyn lodger of suspected persons for evell opynyons as of Sir turner: Sir bland: gilles of barram

Item that Sir bing was a reader of the bible in corners:

Item that one mr oxende shuld reporte that when mr commisser commith home he wold be even with thes knave prestes Item of benson that he wolde take no holy bread or holy water & that he lodged person suspect for evell opynions

Item he noted the names of certayn that wer thowght the fawtors of evell opynions & commyn Reders of the bible in service tyme with other articles that I do not remember but mr coxston noted them in the booke which mr petit deliverd last to mr baker the which sene of if I here the articles rehersed I can Remember them /

to the .5. I hard my servant say my lord chawnsler shuld leve his office but wher he hard it I can not tell/ nor I hard him not say that Mr baker shuld have it

by me Edmond shether.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.