the selfe same book which was deliverd after to petytt contayning many articles unto & this book was sent Mr williby to show to my lord of wynchester about corpus christi day

14 15

the same day that doctor cockes last departed owt of canterbury by the advise of Mr parkurst & gardener I wrot to him that he shuld absent him selfe so that he shuld not be spoken with all for to know by him the author of the booke but And that if he wer examened of it that he shuld say it was of coxtons doing And


Bicause many articles of the book concerned my lordes grace him self thei willed him to absent him selfe


Ther was a copy of an endightment redd onenight at Mr parkursted at supper by petite with out any name wherfor I know not.

17. 18.

I hard him affirme no commission to be sent but he noted many gentle mens names whom I know not nor I remember ther names saving Mr moyle Mr grene Mr thattes (as I remember

19. 20.

I hard him not say so.


I delyverd one booke to m petit by the advice of Mr gardner which book as I have said was of m coxtons hand & drawght and conteyning many articles not proved


I think the same article was in it in such forme as is in the booke of the articles writon with my brothers hand & no other wise


It was maid after that I hadd ben with mr baker the second tyme but wher the book is I know not but petit said he wold not deliver it but only shew it & send it agayn.


I have not hard the commyn of it


I have not hard the communication nor I know not whether it be so or no.


Thei desired the same of Mr baker by me : bicause many articles towched my lord


I know not the day but it was about rogation weke last (as I think) it was not one book for ther was certayn articles towching the communycation betwext my lordes grace & mr gardener left owt bycause it was only one mans saying


It is in doctor london is hand (as I think) for I did but se it I can not tell wher mr petit hath done it nor I know not what is contayned therin for coxston noted many articles which I knew not / And I think it was delyverd petit abowt trinite sonday last.


Mr gardener willed that cownsell to be geven him


He sent lettres declaring who fare serles & I wer in our prorses now last maid befor my lordes grace And the nottes were that diligent inquiry was maid of the booke: Also that diverse some wer examined of the articles of the said booke./ Also that thei hadd answerd some affirmtyvely in many poyntes & in many poyntes negativly : also that coortope was in ward & I think that was all


As for other letter I sent none./

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.