Edmond Schethers answer ot the 13 Articles


D willoughby

To the first : I know not the begynners of thes matters at london but I think that Mr serles talked with doctor london of them as he cam from canterbury to oxonford And I think also that mr Williby moved such matters much ther by reson he said that he had spoken with many of the kinges cownsell in it & that he wold take upon him to be the hole setter forth of the matter. After the which woordes Mr baker did send for mr parkhurst mr gardener & me.


I know none that gave cownsell ther but I think that mr williby did much of his own hedde.


Mr Baker vintomen D. london

I know not who consend ther in the matter other wise then as I have said that mr baker shewd us the book the which my lord of wynchester rede & doctor london took the names of the witnes of the same.


I know no grownd thei hadd but I think that the comming of Sir turner & Sir anthony parson & other owt of other dioces in to this. And the resort that was so fare of : to Sir turners sermons: And the subscribing of Sir bland to his articles as it is said: And the reding of sir anthony parson of the bible & other with adding ther expositions to the same was a gret occasion of it/


I know not who declared any grownd ther but I think mr williby shewd the book & moved the matter much ther

n 6

I know no matters ony in london knoweth my lordes grace culpable in but in such articles as master baker willed us to say what we hard we did

Coxson Gardiner


I know not the begyner of it in canterbury but I suspect Mr coxston & Mr gardener by reyso that coxston did use to write all such matters And many articles of the book wer known only to Mr gardener./. As for other matters the fame was grete


Gardiner Willoughby

I know none that was the promoter but Mr gardener & williby as towching the booke befor such tyme that it was subscribed then the witnes wer all of cownsell. that mr williby hadd the book


Mr gardener & williby conferd to gither befor Mr williby receved the book & after such as subscribed talked of the articles sometyme & of other articles as we hard them spoken.


I know no grownd but I thinke as I have said in the 4 article above and also bicause the prorses aganst Mr rydley & scory went not forth as against mr serles & me: Also bycause Joan barnes, gilles barram, bukmer & other of whom much talking was of: wer not poonisshed. & other matters which I remember not that men said wer much borne


I do not know what knowledge other men hadd.



I have hard men say many thinges as that my lord did know of bukmers opynion of Joan barnes opynion: that gilles of barram used the office of a prest being no prest & other thinges which wer not reformed but thes thinges manye wer done befor I cam in to thes partes & wherin he my lordes grace is culpable it is not in me to say nor I know not what other do know my lord to be culpable in

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