
My dewty allwais remembred unto your graciouse lordshipe I most humbly besech the same to have compassion upon me your prisoner / And forasmuch as I think by the articles which Mr ioseph mentioned : that your grace hath not only the articles subscribed with the witnes handes: but also other articles which I noted syns that tyme (as I hard by Mr gardener coxton morise & others) so that your graciouse lordship knowith all that ever I have hard: Plesith it your lordshipe to understand that many of thos articles last noted wer of the book that was presented to my lord of wynchester as unperfect & not proved As in dede many could never be iustified as fare as ever I hard & therfore my lord of wynchester sent it agayn (as I have said in my first declaration) and it was never willed to be shewed as trew. But gratiouse lord whether I have offend in that that I noted thos articles (after that I was willed by master baker to marke the chefist fautores of new opinions) I refere it to your gratiouse iudgment And what so ever shalbe thowght (as nothing can be hide nor I wold shuld not of ony my life from ony of yow both) that I have offended in : I besech yow both of yowr mercy & favour & to be good to me. Instantly & brevly (for I am loth to truble yow or to seme to mistrust your goodnes) desiring yow to have in remembrans my weke natur & the long & solatory durans I have sufferd with grevose vexation of mynd / And for refresshing therof to licens me to eat & drink at meyles with compeny And being so nigh my chamber that I may remayn in the same to the intent I may passe the tyme with my own bookes / Hartily desiring your good lordship, that notwithstanding ony thing here to fore done or how so ever I have before wanderd not confir mably to your gratiouse advertisment or expectation yet gratiouse lord accept a poor hart which wold gladly be rceved in to your fatherly favour agayn to declare his fathfull mynd he hath conceved towerdes your goodness upon such pite as your graceouse lordshipe hath shewd & I trust now will in his extreme nede / Assuring your grace that my hole confidens & only trust is reposed in your goodness only & gentle master doctor./ Whos native mercifull hartes: as thei have be declared oftymes towerdes many: So I most mekly besech yow both : mercifully to interpretate my actes & to declare your pety in relesing my sorowes as shortly as shall seme convenient to your wisdomes / for whome I will not cease to be a perpetuall oratour to allmighty god./. I most humbly desire to know your gratiouse plesur in the premisses & spetially whether your lordship hath the book subscribed with the witnes handes or no for allthowgh that in the copy of my brothers hand wer the articles that towched your lordshipe yet in the other book it apperith who hath subscribed to other articles of Mr drome & Mr scory & other which I do not remember.

Your gratiouse prisoner Edmond Schether.

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.