Abowt rogation weke was twelmoneth mr Serles commyng to oxforth said to me that when I cam to canterbury I shuld here of many sermons that hadd ben maid ther at canterbury at the which I wold much woondre of and namly he spake of a sermon mr brooke maid as I thinke in the which he named the ceremonys of the church beggerly.

I wrott to doctor willybye that I thowght that at doctor cockes commyng to london he shuld be sowght for wherfor I willed him to repare to some other his frendes or to the court that he might make answer ther Also advertising hym that if he wer examened he shuld require to se authorite frome the cownsell befor whome the matter is known befor that he answerd in it And in case he answerd I said that he myght say he hadd the book of Mr coxston. whereas he hadd it of master gardener

And at my last being in london I hard that Mr gardener was in ward wherupon I wold have hadd his servant to cary a letter of it to my lord of wynchester but he said it could not be wheruppon I cesid (??)

by me edmond shether

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.