Item ymages iiii were takyn downe partly by your graces lettres partly by your commyssarys commawndementt In christes churche : The tenour off your lettres by whom iiii off them were takyn down was thys : I am credably Infformyd thatt thes ymages by abusyd : After thes words thus hytt ffolowyd: as I doo remember ::: wherffor I wyll thatt you take them down : and so they were: doctor champyon ther beying & saying the here::: doctor thornden can declare how the ymage off christ of over the ffyrst masse alter was takyn down & he with other prebendarys : petycanones : can declare thatt they were nott abusyd: And doctor thornden as he oftyn tymes dyd say wold speke unto your grace ffor the ymage off christ off over the ffyrst masse alter: well he that Informyd your grace : thes ymages to be abusyd which were nott soo: ys worthy ffawtt

Reverend ffather yff thatt I have Insuffycyently ansuryd unto ony off thes Interrogatoreys : then when I was last with your grace att Bekesborne before the xviith off November: whon I cannott now call Into my remembrance. I schall desyre your grace : to be all ways assuryd thatt I wyll att all tymes stand unto every artycle In the boke wherunto my hand ys sett & whom I know to be presentyd unto the handes off Mr Baker : And unto suche artyclys I schalbe redy to answere att your graces commawndment: ffor as myche. I have don was thyng off malyce & dysplesure : but onely uppon my conscyence & uppon a godly zele : towardes a christyan quyetnesse no thyng desyrusse off hurtt or hynderaunce unto ony man

per me william Gardener clericus

As god dothe know

ffather althoghe uppon my conscyence & uppon a good zele I have don thes : yett I am sory as I have oftyn tymes sayde & writyn: that I have so dysplesyd your grace : desyryng you : as always I have: to remytt off your charyte my wikydnesse

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