Item the one was prisonyd: Reverend ffather althoghe unto thys artycle I made answere thatt he was prisonyd (as by your relatyon I then had knowlege: and nott off myne owne knowlege): ffor whoo dyd put hym to prison. I know nott butt all onely by your graces saying): my lord thys ys trew he was prisonyd: and as he sayde dyversse tymys hys he Inprisonmentt was att your graces complayntt made ffor hys prechyinges And my lord: so ffar as we have herd & knowe by credable persons hys prechingsyng were godly : therffore we jugde thatt thos which accusyd hym unto your grace In ther accusacyons dyd Injustly

Item suche as wold speke a yenst evyll opynyons dare nott : etc.: whoo n? them sedytyusse: I ansewer:. partt off ther audyence :: when I was last with your grace att lambyth on passyon weke was xii monthes : your grace dydid speke unto me ffor my prechyng in canterbury made: a lytyll beffore: and sayd that you were Informyd thatt I had made a sedytyusse sermon In canterbury I sayde unto your grace : My lord I know: that ther be in canterbury which wold be glad to vex me. I trust you wyll beleve the trezthe: ffor every one thatt hathe accusyd me : I schall bryng vi to wytnesse ffor my quyett prechying: And trewly my sermons ther was a yenst suche as semyd nott to ffavor the erectyon off ymages:

Item when we preche we be callyd knavys Mr mylles: mr serles: mr Schether and I and hytt ys sayde thatt one off us dothe conffyrme an other in the p? and thatt that good prechers have done be ffore: we pull bakke verba Jehe? oxymbryge :  Test : Boyden Item wher as we take wytnesse ffor accusers: and am In the trewe dysceyng (as your grace dothe say :) I schall desyre your grace to schew accusers of

them & off us: And off thys we be well assuryd: thatt ther be enow wy? o declare unto your grace: whatt : & off what qualyteys they be which doo accuse : ffor thys matter we requyre the reportt off the towne & the contree

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.