Rythe worschypfull master doctour : Att my last beyng with my lord: I receyvyd certen Interrogatoreys att hys handes : And hys grace wylled me Immedyatly uppon the receptt off them : to make answere unto them: And so dyd I : Butt now sethe that tyme. I have remembryd thatt certen off them concernyd the boke presentyd unto whom my hand ys sett: Good Mr doctour: unto all the artyclys thatt my hand ys sett : I must off my conscyence and wyll stond unto as I may: Butt unto how many I have sett my hand unto. I doo not remember as yett: I have cast In my mynd dyverse tymys and oft: how many I have wytnessyd unto: And yett I cannott call unto my remembrance: the trowzthe off hytt: I thynk that I have nott subscribyd unto so many : as the boke schewythe: which my lordes grace : layde be ffore me: Good Mr doctour seying thatt the tyme was very schortt: when I made myne answeres unto the last Interrogatoreys: and also that I was fforgotfull and slakk off memory: : now havyng better remembrawnce off the Interrogatoreys than then I had. I schall desyre yow (and I trust with yowr ffavor) thatt that answere cassatt: yow wyll acceptt thys now sett : ffor my full and delyberatt answere : thatt unto every thyng wherunto my hand schall apere to be sett unto. I must & wyll stond: And I trust (no thyng unto my gracyusse lordes dysplaesure: nether yett unto my hynderawnce Jhesus kepe yowr masterschypp

yowrs William Gardner

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.