ad 3m

I wyllyd yownge thacher to ryde yff nede had byne unto my lord off wynchester when mr Serles mr scory were last In Indurence : supposyng thatt I was lyke ffor to be troble ffor my prechyng : desyryng my lord to write unto my lord grace In my ffawor

ad 4m

unto the ctre ad hebreos I can say no more I herd no speke off hyt

ad 5m

I sayde unto mr petytt concernyng scorys wordes ffor the sacrementt off the awlter. I wold to Jehus he had never spake thos wordes thatt he dyde speke. I had rather then myche mony hytt had nott byne my chawnce to have herd hym : ffor by god I am as lougthe to hurtt hym by my word as to hurtt any man he can doo evell yff he wyll. & soo well as none? better yff he lyst

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.