ad 7um

Ther were iii which offeryd them selffe as Mr serles dyd say to testyffye ffor Mr Serles ffor hys sermons prechyd att hotffeld ffor the which he was accusyd butt whether they were with my lord and hys offycers then examynyng or nott I know nott: They were then redy to testyffye yff they had byn callyd thys I herd Mr serles with other say : As ffor Mr schethers sermomon which he prechyd att norgatt: and ffor the which he was accusyd by Sir cherdene and george may: Mr sentleger Mr mylles & wylliam gardener testyffyed In hys pregatyve

Ad 8um

we take them to be ffalsse persons which doo accuse men wrongffully : And as concernyng schether sermon made att Norgatt was good so ffar as I perceyvyd: and thatt poynt nt thatt he was accusyd In by may & Sir cherden wytnesse: they dyd untrewly wytnes a yenst hym: and wher as they ii which were Juydgyd to be off opynyon nott ber? and were admyttyd ffor the one provyd: by the effectt which ffolowyd In thatt that he reffusy? to be anhelyd att hys dethe: The other stondyng yett now In tryall ffor absoluci-uti- on In the sacramentt off pennence : wher hytt ys mynysteryd by the prest or noo : schew them selfes by the effecttes off opynyons at best : and as the voyce then wentt? they were nott off best opynyons yett were they a yenst Mr schether admyttyd / as Mr schether sayde : And lykewyse Mr serles sayde thatt iii honest substantyall men off hotffeld came In to testyffye a yenst hys vytnesse ffor hys sermon made ther was good and christyan: they were nott admyttyd: whether they were with my lord or nott I can not say. I can say noo more here In then I herd them say

Ad 9um

They were Inocentt prechers so ffar as ever we cowd jugde and gather off ther prechyng and as ffar as we cowd lerne a brode: the most off ther audyence well contentyd with them : therffor we call them inocenttes prechers nott worthy to be accusyd: off whom bothe : Mr serles was prisonyd / and he sayde: thatt he was so: ffor hys prechying: ffor my lord beffore the cowncell objectyd unto hym hys prechyng after he was returnyd ffrom the northe: and theruppon he sayde he was commyttyd unto prison

Ad 10 um

Summe of ther audyence nott contentyd with ther sermon doo name the precher sedytyous and are redy to complayne that natythematyche men a ffrayde to preche

Ad 11um

Off none other occasyon we take thys artycle to be trew butt onely by cause certen have byn presentyd unto hys grace as Mr rydley & scory: and nott causyd recant wher as thes ffore namyd serles & schether have byn correctyd: by reason wher off seying thatt certen matters have byn seche prechyd by the sayde scory chyfly & sumwhatt by Mr rydley we Jugde thatt they ar in? that thatt were hyther? sufferyd withowt correctyon to be the bolder

Ad 12

The tenour off my lordes graces lettre: As I credably Infformyd ther be certen ymages within my churche abusyd and namyd the ymages off our lady: wheffor in nyll you to take them down: As myshe as I can remember thys was the tenour off the lettre : The letter doctor champyon hadd

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.