then In hartt desyrusse to have a godly quyetnesse

Whatt petytt the clerke off the paece or any other towardes the law hathe sayde or don : as tochyng Indytementtes Impanelyng off questes And by whatt occasyon and by whoys motyon or commawndmentt

I can say noo thyng In thys matter : ffor I know noo thyng off Indytementtes and Impanelyng off questes : savyng att a tyme I herd petytt say : thatt : one Bugner off maydstone : schuld be Indytyd : ffor spekyng off wordes a yenst the sacramentt off the awlter Butt by whoys motyon he schuld be Indytyd. In good ffaygthe I know nott : : ffor the Indytementt off any oother person or persons : as I doo remember. I never herd hym. nor none other speke.

Unto whatt end or effectt they Intendyd to bryng thes matters

In good ffaygthe I know nott : otherwyse then withowt any manes hurtt or hynderawnce : to have a godly quyetnesse

By whatt auctoryte they began and procedyd In thes matters :

Twaith hardes

In good ffaygthe I know nott : Butt as I have sayde mr thwayttes sayde : thatt he was writyn unto : And lykewyse mr herdes sayth : ffor hys partt also : thatt they schuld gather : suche matters as were here abusyd : and worthy to be refformyd : Butt who wrotte unto them : and wyllyd them so to doo : off my ffaygthe : I know not As concernyng the writyng off the boke : onely zele unto quyetnesse movyd : which schuld never have gon fforthe so ffarr : yff that mr baker had rebukyd us : when we were with hym : schewyng unto us the danger theroff

By me William Gardner

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.