ffyrst whoo was the begynners off the matters att london

I know nott (as god schall save me) ffor I knew nott : thatt any thyng. was or myghte be don : In london : untyll thatt doctor wyllyby dyd commyn with me. In Cantbury on after eve last: And sayde : thatt then was a tyme : to labor a refformatyon yff any thyng were a mysse : Wythe whom he laboryd In london : with whom he confferryd : And how sentt hym unto Canterbury : In good ffayghte I know nott :: Butt after thatt : he was cumme : one Syr Thomas Cokson uppon hys owne mynd began the boke Afterward sentt upp.

By whoys advyce and cowncell hytt was: sett fforward

All onely by thadvyce off Syr Thomas Cokson : pety canon off christes churche In Canterbury : wich wold never caese ffrom Importunne labor : untyll the boke was delyveryd : I my selffe came nott unto london : untyll thatt I was sentt ffor by lettres : sentt unto me : ffrom owr daene : mr Doctor wotton commawndyng me and lykewyse mr parkhurst : and mr Schether : by severall lettres : to apere att london : by ffore one off the privy cowncell namyng none determynatt : whyther when. I and my company be ffore namyd dyd cumme : we were commawndyd : by owr daene

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