
my raschenesse and Indelyberatt doynges : I aske off yow mercy : requyryng yow off yowr charyte : to Impute the grett ffawtt : off hytt unto thes wich mynystryd unto me occasyon : and to remytt unto me my lygthnesse ffor off trewgthe I was gretly seducyd : Remember good ffather thatt owr parentt was seducyd : and yett off god fforgevyn : fforgeve me good ffather : By whom I was seducyd my confessyon dothe declare : And  ffather yff hytt schall plaese yow now : more off yowr goodnesse : then


off my deservyng (ponyschemett & thatt scharpe : I have deservyd) to fforgeve unto me : thys my ffawt and unkyndnesse : yow schall never here after perceyve In me : butt thatt : att all tymys. I schalbe as obedyentt : and as trew unto yow : as ever was chyld unto hys naturall ffather : yff other wyse att any tyme yow ffynd off me : never trust me never doo ffor me : butt utterly withowt all ffavor : cast me Into paynes as possyble ys : ffor any wrache to suffer : Gentyll ffather. ponder my griffe : wich ys att my hartt nott lytle : And thorow yowr goodnesse remyttyng unto me my unkyndnesse and grawntyng mercy with lyberty : I desyre yowr grace : to sett me Into aeyse : bothe off hartt and body : I am yowrs : and schalbe yowrs : and thatt trewly : whyls I leve :

God preserves yowr grace

per me william Gardner

Good ffather I have yevyn my selffe unto yow : hartt body and servyce : And yow have takyn me unto yow : now remember me : thatt now am yowr trew servantt

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.