Now they beyng in Idrance & I fferyng by cause partly I was accusyd I wrott unto my lord off wynchester my lettres ffor ther ayde & myne? yff he mygthe doo unto them & us any good & sett the testymonyall copy off canterbury unto hym schewyng hem thatt men here dyd & In other places wold lykewyse testyffyi of ther charite for thers & ours honest prechynges : Item hem thatt I was examynyd ffor thys boke & whatt ensuere I made never otherwyse myndyd butt when I schuld lowfully be requyryd as now I am I wold gladly dysclose the matter

Item mr thwaytes schewyd unto mr parkhurst & me thatt he had byn writen unto ffrom whom I know nott to send to gather suche matters as he coud here off an brode worthy to be refformyd: att thatt were swarwyng ffrom the laudable usys off christes churche : sayng unto us by cause I cannot be allways here. I pray yow : as ye can know & trewly lern send me word & so In good ffayth I not sechyng ffor them : as I dyd here & as men wold trewly testyffyi uppon ther conscyence I sent unto hym : other matters wold nott send butt suche ffor whom I herd the parteys speke & uppon their conscyence to testyffyi thatt they were trewe : Mr Gardiner d

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.