
to the fyrst & second y can sey no farther then y have expressyd yn my boke delyveryd to your grace what was don whyl y was at oxford from palme sonday to whygthsontyd y know not : & the boke of articles was put upp to the councell yn my absens when y was at oxford.

Item to the iiith & iiiith y know not what matters they have proposyd for ther foundacion or with whom they have conferryd yn thys matter by wordes or wrytyng savyng only with sir john baker which as they sey wrot a letter to them & sent for theme to cum to london

Item as concernyng the vth & vith y can sey nothyng ther yn for y never sawe the articles proposyd a geynst my lordes grace

For the prechynges of the matters of caunterbury

To the fyrst they have had communicacion with sir Thomas moyle mr thwayttes & with mr petyte & they have ynquiryd as y suppose remembre whether yt was thougth that a commission shold be dyrectyd from the councell to caunterbure for reformacion of the countre & also who shuld be commissioners for the same.

as concernyng the second y know nothyng

Item as tochyng the iiith what master petite & other hath don concernyng yndytementes and pannelyng of enquestes y know nothyng but a fore the sesiens was holden mr petite seyd he wold ryde to hys master sir John baker to know hys pleasure whether he wold be at the sessiens of vi articles or no

as concernyng the iiiith & vth y know nothyng

Item to the last article : ther came certen prestes owt of tenet to labor to have prechars to cum to preche with them for they seyd that they lackyd ther quarter sermons & could get no prechars & then mr gardiner mr mylles mr shethar & y askyd how many chyrches ther ware with yn the yle of tenat & they seyd viiith wher a pon we fower a fore seyd a greyd to go thether all apon on they & eny on of us to preche at ii parysh churches & so to do all ther sermons yn on day : thys same was concludyd openly at dyner yn mr parkhurst house & apon thys occasion y told the vicar of charyng yn hys house thys le by cause ys

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.