FFor Serls and other


Ffirst whoo was the begynners of theis matters at London


Item by whose advice and counsaile it was set forwarde


Item with whome thei hadd conference, and who did bolden and animate theym in the same, and in what forme, by wourdes or wryting, or otherwise


Item what mattier thei hadd at the begynnyng for foundacion


Item yf thei had any whither thei hadd theym of thair own knowledge, or by hardesaye


Item in what thing or thinges, the knewt my lordes grace culpable in / of their awn knowledge, and howe they knewe it

1. 7.

Item the like to be ministred for the proceding of the same matter at Canterburye

2. 8.

Item howe many Justice of peace Gentilmen and other persons thei have conference with / in thies mattiers, and what thei and every of theym have don, or spoken in the same mattieres

3. 9.

Item to whatt thinges thei have condecendid unto

4. 10.

Item what Petite / the clerke of the peace or any other towardes the Lawe hath saied or don as towching Inditementes paneling of enquestes, and by what occacion, and by whose motion or commandemente /

5. 11.

Item to what ende or effecte thei entendid to bring theis matters

6. 12.

Item by what authorite thei beganne and procedid in theis matters

Item whither you tolde and declared to the vicar of Charing being in his house at Charing, howe that iiii of you did entende to preache ii sermons a pece in the Ile of Thanett in one daye, And to howe many moo you declared the same and to what entent

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.