Interrogatories to Serles & other



In primis whither thei Mr Sontleger & mr parkhurst presentid unto the Archebisshop of Canterbury the selfe same Articles that be conteyned in the booke of complainte, or whither there be moo, or ffewer, or some altered by addition of any wourdes


Item whither the witnes brought in did prove all the said Articles


Item wherfore thei leftoute iii of the Articles that before were presentid


Item whither tharchebisshop of canterburye did rebuke Serls for that he preachid that Images myght be permitted in the churche as representers of sainctes, and not Idolles


Item whither tharchebisshop of Canterburye did speake openly before all the Prebendaries and Preachers there, and also openly in in his Consistorie, that the kinges pleasure was to have iii preachers of the newe lernyng and iii of the olde


Item Whither Serls and Shether were accused by men whiche were noted by comen fame to be of evill opinion for preaching, and who thei were that accused theym,


Item Whither the honestie of thair audience offered themselves to testifie that thei were falsely accused, and that whiche was laied againste theym was not true, And although thei were a great nomber, yet thei could not be admitted, And who thei were that so offered themselfes And whither thei offered themselfes Or Serls required theym to be examyned


Item whither false persons men of evill fame for susspecte opinions thoughe thei were butt ii or iii were admitted


Item whither thei Serls and Shether were Innocente preachers, and so being Innocent were condempnid, thone to prison, and thother to reede a declaracion of false surmised Articles, and by whome thone was committid to prison


Item whither thei that wolde speake againste evill opinions, dare not for if thei do, thei be complaynid on, and callid seditious persons, stiring the people to commotion, and by whome thei be so callid


Item whither complaynyng, to thair ordynarye, at his handes thei gett nothing but displeasure, and the partie evill preaching moch moore favour and boldenes, And who hath had displeasure of the Ordynarye for complaynyng against evill preachers And what yll preachers have had favor and boldenes therin at thordynaris handes


Item whither ii ymages of Christe and ii of our Ladie, wherunto was neither oblacion don, nor any light Standing, were taken down by tharchebisshopps commandemente, both by mowthe and by Lettres and what the effecte of the Letters was

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.