The seyde deponent saythe that the sayde Nayler shewyd hym that my lord of Caunterbury was muche dyspleasyd with hym for woordes that he shuld speake agaynst the Jury that were Impanellyd in the Cytye of Caunterbury & askyd the  me Whether I never knewe any matter yn the shere agaynst one ffrenche whiche was one of the Jury as he sayde / & I sayde that as I rememberyd I he was in the Gayle for woordes spokyn agaynst ouer soveraygn lord the kyng but what they were he knowythe nott

The seyde deponent saythe that he knowythe nott any ffawters or berers of any that have th tawght any erronyous oppynyons with yn the shere of kent

The sayde deponent saythe that he knowythe nott any that hathe prechyd sedicyouslye other then shuche as be before Indytyd

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.