The seyd deponent saythe that he never drewe the seyd Indyctamentes Wherby John Bland and other were Indyctyd but folowyd the fourme of the presydent made by master Moyle

The seyd deponent saythe that he was bedden by master moyle to putt yn the Inglysshe Wordes & folowe the presydent

The sayde deponent saythe that he never knewe of the makynge of the Indyctemient

The sayd deponent saythe that there was a mayde of Bevynden Indyctyd for speakynge of Woordes Agaynst the Sacrement of thalter

The seyde deponent saythe who gave obydence  he rememberythe not

The sayde deponent saythe that he knowythe nott Whether Any gave Evydence or no & for the evydence that the sayde deponent gave it were suche As were delyvered hym yn wryttynge by oone of the Justyce of peace Whome they were he rememberythe nott

The seyde deponent saythe that he dyd nott swere the Jury of ffylborowe orderly as they dyd apere in the panell but left owte one bull whyche dyd Apere for by cause master moyle thowght hym suspect notto be Indefferent to be sworne that day for the kyngs

To the xiii article

No transcription is available in the calendar for this part of the manuscript.