D. willoughby.


my lorde as consernig the schryne I had never comandement to pull hit downe & also hit his bot anente thenke bot master thwattes had hit at sente astens & gave hit to the cherche

also as consernig the Rode I was comandyt to polle hit downe which was above my poure to do alone & so I & the paryche preste the nexte mornig come to sertan of the paryche & schoyde them oure comandement & thay mayde answer & sayde the kynges boke was to the contrare exsepp ther had bene oblacions or offrynges done un to hit & by & by cassyd that same artekell to be Redde & then all sayde ther scholde none be pollyd downe ther & by & by cassyd aloke be sett of the dore part of ther names be thes master pettet wylzam amys goodman macsede holde fader baker & all the holle paryche & this was of asonday in the mornig & the nexte sonday after as I ham avyssed master twhattes was mared & ther master pettytt broke the mater to master moylle and he dyd asche where ever there wor one oblacion ther to or no & he sayde nay & then sayde master moylle then I warrant you let hym stonde

also as consernig that ever I preched of ony sante or thowght one seche thenges I wolde I scholde never come in heven nor never so ment hyffe I had I wolde not aplenyd to master comyssare of that thyng wyche I wolde have mantynde & as for colver strette I never saw hit I have bene here bot iiii yere how scholde I have lade colver in honde & never harde of hyr of my consyence to this day

Remarque des transcripteurs: In Willoughby's hand XI. A paper headed by Cranmer : "Dr. Willoughby." "My Lord, as concerning the schryne, I had never commandment to pull hit down, and also hit his bot anente thenke (an empty thing); bot Master Thwattes had hit at Sente Astens and gave hit to the cherche." Was commanded to pull down the rood, but could not do it alone; so he went the next morning with the parish priest to some parishioners and showed them the order; and they said the King's book was to the contrary, except where oblations were made to it, "and by and by cassyd (caused) that same artekell to be redde, and then all sayde ther scholde none be pollyd downe ther; and by and by cassyd a loke to be sett of the dore. Part of ther names be thes : Master Pettet, Wylzam Amys, goodman Macstede, holde fader Baker, and alle the holle paryche. And this was of a Sonday in the morning; and the nexte Sonday after, and I ham avyssed, Master Twhattes was mared; and ther Master Pettyt broke the mater to Master Moylle, and he dyd asche wherever ther wor one oblacion ther to or no; and he sayd Nay; and then sayde Master Moylle Then I warrant yow let him stonde." "Also as conserning that ever I preched of ony sante, or thowght one seche thenges I wolde I scholde never come in heven, nor never so ment; hyffe I had I wolde not aplenyd (have complained) to Master Comyssare of that thyng wyche I wolde have mantynde; and as for Colver strette I never saw hit. I have bene here bot iiij yere. How scholde I have Lade Colver (fn. 38) in honde and never harde of hyr of my consyence to this day."