Be yt knowen un to your gracyus lordshep that thes is the very bill that I deed wryt as consarnyng the ansour whan I deed ryde to the corte and that was thus my lord sayde have me recommend to your master and tell hym that yf his matters be true and ryghtius he shal have frynddes inow for yfe my lord of cantorbory shold poneche them wrongfully yt yt wyll be gretly to his rebock and henderanc then at oxfort I met wyht Mr. ford & he xed me wher I had ben and I sayd at the corte & he exed me what my lord sayd & I tolde hym & he sayd the ansur was good enoufe & he sayd he had hard of my Masters trobell be fore & I exed of howe & he sayd of Mr. docter barbar & then he sayd have me recommend to your Master & then tel hym that I hard say that my lord chancelar wold change his offes & Mr. bakkar shold have yt but he sayd speke yt not abrod on my word tel ye here yt mor playne lyar spoken & thes was the ansu that I had & that I deed wryte to showe my Master ther for my lord I be seck your grac to be good to me for here is everry word as ny as I can call to my rememberanc possybell thus god save your graccyus lordshep

Remarques des transcripteurs: The handwriting is a little peculiar. IX. [Calcot to Cranmer.] (fn. 35) "Be yt knowen un to your gracyus lordshep that thes is the very bell that I deed wryt as consarnyng the ansour whan I deed ryde to the Corte, and that was thus. My lord (fn. 36) saye Have me recommend to your master (fn. 37) and tell hym that yf his matters be true and ryghtius he shal have frynddes enow; for yfe my lord of Cantorbory shold poneche them wrongfully yt wyll be gretly to his rebock and henderanc. Then at Oxford I met wyht Mr. Ford and he xed me wher I had ben. And I sayd At the Corte. And he exed me what my lord sayd, and I tolde hym. And he sayd the ansur was good enoufe. And he sayd he had hard of my masters trobell be fore. And I exed of home; and he sayd Of Mr. Docter Barbar. And then he sayd Have me recommend to your master, and then tel hym that I hard say that my lord Chancelar wold change his offes, and Mr. Bakkar shold have yt. But he sayd, Speke yt not abrod on my word tel ye here yt mor playne lyar spoken. And thes was the ansu that I had and that I deed wryte to showe my master. Ther for, my lord, I beseck your Grac to be good to me, for here is everry word as ny as I can call to my rememberanc possybell. Thus God save your graccyus Lordshep."