
Item one said the kinges grace, hath don a godlie ded in making this wurshipfull Colledge at Canterburye, for there ys many well lernyd men nowe, and many good clerkes shalbe broughtup there: He hath made, said the parson of Wytchelyng, a very denne of thevis

Item he said I truste to god to see the tyme, that there shalbe sett no taper before the sepulcre Witnes George Gibson / and Alexander plotte

xxix daye of Maye


Item Thomas James wourleys wife said, That good praiers and dedes sholde save her frome the devill, Than said the parson of Wycheling not so, thou shalt not be savid by thy deades but only by faith / And said further unto Sir Thomas Huxley, That knave thy maister the parson of Bocton ys a false heretique, and a popishe knave and thou also, And I shall make fortie in the parishe of dodington to bark at thee, and I shall make x mille of my sette againste the in kente and thou shalt not tary here this moneth, Witnes Sir Thomas Huxley

Item he said the ave maria was never made by god, for parte of it was made by a preistes harlotte / Witnes Thomas Henman of Lenham and his wife /

Item he called the boke lately set furth by the kynge & his clergie, a crafty boke.

Sir Rauf.

Anno 1539


Item one Sir Rauf said in the pulpet in the churche of Leneham aforsaid, There be some preistes do use to give penance in confession for synne, But I tell you said he, who soever gyveth penance for synne robbeth god of his honour / I myself have don so But I cry god mercye, I did it of ignoraunce, Witnes Robert pratt, John parkehurst, Christofer Stoners, Robert Williamson

Sir Robert a Stotte curate of Davyngton


offensive n

On Alhaloudaye, in the pulpet of Leneham, he being curate ther said that there was heresy song in the churche that present day Witnes John parkehurste, Christofer Stoners


Item he said in the same churche that our prince suffered dirges and Masses to be said and song in the churche, for preistes to get money by / And Mr. Serles vicar of Leneham cam to leneham and  preachid, and to our judegement made a good sermon there / And the said Sir Robert hering therof, came frome Davington to leneham the sonday folowing, and after evensong the same daye there was an antheme songe of our Ladie, and he said openly in the churche

One said "The King's Grace hath done a godly deed in making this worshipful college at Canterbury; for there is many well learned men now and many good clerks shall be brought up there." "He hath made," said the parson of Wytchelyng, "a very den of thieves." He also hoped to see the time when there should be set no taper before the Sepulture. Jas. Wourley's wife said (29 May) that good prayers and deeds should save her from the Devil. "Not so," said the parson of Wytchelyng; "thou shalt not be saved by thy deeds but only by faith;" and further to Sir Thomas Huxley "That knave thy master, the parson of Bocton, is a false heretic and a popish knave and thou also. And I shall make forty in the parish of Dodington to bark at thee, and I shall make 10,000 of my set against thee in Kent, and those shalt not tarry here this month." Also "he said the Ave Maria was never made by God, for part of it was made by a priest's harlot." Added by Cr. : "Item, he called the book lately set forth by the King and his clergy a crafty book." Sir Rauf said in the pulpit (1539) in the ch. of Leneham aforesaid "There be some priests do use to give penance in confession for sin; but I tell you, said he, whosoever giveth penance for sin robbeth God of his honor. I myself have done so, but I cry God mercy. I did it in ignorance." Sir Robert Stotte, curate of Davyngton, on Alhalonday 1541 in the pulpit of Leneham said "there was heresy sung in the church that present day"; also "that our Prince suffered dirges and masses to be said and sung in the church for priests to get money by. And Mr. Serles, vicar of Leneham, came to Leneham and preached, and to our judgment made a good sermon there. And the said Sir Robert, hearing thereof, came from Davington to Leneham the Sunday following; and after evensong the same day there was an anthem sung of Our Lady, and he said openly in the church