

synne, and so it is And ye saye that the synne ys taken awaye by the water of baptisme, but it is not soo, but loke howe that the wife that occupieth the fier all the daye and nyght covereth it with Asshes to preserve the fier, So doithe the synne remayne under the sacrament

Antony parsons

Also Anthony parson redde a lecture apon palme sondaye last paste saying, it was the office of the ffather of heaven to make heaven and erthe and all that is in theym

Also he said, that it was thoffice of the seconde person to die by his passion to redeme man Also it was thoffice of the holie goste to give Witte and knowledge to the Appostelles

Thomas makeblith ceremonies

Also the same sondaye Thomas Makebley barbour sett in the churche of all the procession tyme / And did bere no palme nor wolde not folow procession


Also apon Easter daye folowing At the resurrection folowed nat the procession as all other people did

sin, and so it is : And ye say that the sin is taken away by the water of baptism, but it is not so. But look how that the wife that occupieth the fire all the day and at night covereth it with ashes to preserve the fire; so doth the sin remain under the Sacrament. Also, Anthony Parson read a lecture upon Palm Sunday last past saying it was the office of the Father of Heaven to make Heaven and Earth and all that is in them. Also, he said that it was the office of the Second Person to die by his Passion to redeem man. "Also, it was the office of the Holy Ghost to give wit and knowledge to the Apostles." ["The same Sunday Thos. Makebley, barber, sat in the church all the procession time and bore no palm nor would follow the procession.] (fn. 30) Also, upon Easter day following, at the Resurrection, followed not the procession as all other people did."