
He pulled down the Images in Northgate churche and had home to his house the pictures of our lady / with the tabernacle, Hewid her all in peces with divers other pictures of thappostells


He commanded Anthony parsons to reade and expounde the bible upon palme sondaye last paste in alhalowe churche of Canterburye, whiche when the parson denied he brought a token frome Mr. Comissary so to do / wherby he did reade, and it is said that by sufferaunce of hym and suche other evill persons, hath caused such myscheve in his Diocese


He caused Images to be hewen in peces at Assheforthe and compellid the curate there to saye that he did it

John Norton. Thomas Burvier. Sir John Calton. Antony Bourne. Robert Hal.

Item he did caste the parson of pevyngtons beades into the fure in dirision and gave hym a peny for theym


Mr. Doctour Nevenson in lent was xii monethe Rebuked one Sir Johne write preiste dwelling in saincte Alpheis, because he wolde not absolve Barthylmew Joye withoute any confession made of any cryme or fawte, As the said Sir wryght can testifie


Raynolde Buckemer of Boxley taken before Sir Christofer halles knyght at maidestone the xxxii yere of the kynges moost honorable reign for a sacramentary was delivered in wryting to Mr. Nevynson Comissary by harry Cleke servant to the said Sir Christofer with his detection by Raf Joneson

He pulled down the images in Northgate ch., and had home to his house the pictures of Our Lady with the tabernacle, and hewed her all in pieces, with other pictures of the Apostles. He commanded Anth. Persons to read and expound the Bible on Palm Sunday in All Hallows' ch. Canterbury; which when the parson refused, he brought a token from Mr. Commissary so to do; "whereby he did read, and it is said that by sufferance of him and such other evil persons, hath caused such mischief in this diocese." He caused images to be hewn in pieces at Ashford and compelled the curate to say he did it. He cast the parson of Pevyngton's beads into the fire in derision and gave him a penny for them. "Dr. Nevinson in Lent was 12 month rebuked one Sir John Write, priest dwelling in St. Alpheis, because he would not absolve Bartylmew Joye without any confession made of any crime or fault." Raynold Buckemer of Boxley taken before Sir Chr. Halles, knt., at Maidstone 32 H. VIII. for a sacramentary "was delivered in writing to Mr. Nevinson, Commissary, by Harry Cleke, servant to the said Sir Christopher, with his detection by Raf Joneson;