


He cristened three children in one daye and did not annoynte theym with holie Oyle as hath ben accustummed neither appon the back nor breste

He tawghte certen children in northegate parishe to saye Ave maria under theis wourdes Haile mary full of grace, The lorde commendith hym unto the of all women he lovith the beste, a due and god be with ye

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21 Septembris 1543


It ys complayned that Mr. Nevenson in a visitacion celebrate at Sevington comanded the clergie to give no absolucion to suche persons that could not say the pater noster and Credo in Englishe, Or a the leaste thair age and symplicite considered tabsolve them  in Laten, So that thei knowe not that thei wer or be absolved

holy water

Item he commanded the Curates to warne thair parishioners to carry no holy water home to thair houses

holy candle

Item that thei should blesse no person departing this liffe with the holie candell

Item there hath ben presentacion made in sundrye visitacions of thinges wourthie of reformacion wherin nothing


  • SirWilliam Orphew curate of lid
  • SirJohn longe curate of Crambroke
  • SirJohn Bayns curate of Sevyngton
  • Ser Robert wilson parson of hynxsel
  • SirJohn Dill curate of marsam
  • Sir Robert hayns curate of Smedge
  • Sirhumfray Cotton preist in tenterden


Turnour christened 3 children in one day without anointing them either on the back or breast, and taught some children in Northgate parish to say the Ave Maria in English. 21 Sept. 1543.It is complained that Mr. Nevinson in a visitation at Sevington commanded the clergy to give no absolution to those who could not say the Paternoster and Credo in English, "or at the least, their age and simplicity considered, to absolve them in Latin, so that they knew not that they were or be absolved." He commanded the curates to warn their parishioners to carry no holy water home to their houses; and that they should bless no person departing this life with the holy candle. Presentations have been made in sundry visitations of things worthy of reformation, but nothing