suche wourdes. Richard wades John Sowde pilcherde. Robert parker, the vicar of Northgate. henry ffissher. Roger mantel.


Item in northegate parrishe he saied if you knew what abhominations arr in the wourdes of absolution. whiche the preest saieth over you, whan you be shriven. you wold abhorre them.


Item he said that in Christenyng of Children preestis be murderers Roger mantil. Thomas Bredkirke. and the vicar of the parish

26 Septembris 1543.


Offensive n

John boucher of ffretynden saied that mattens and evensonge was no better than rombling of tubbes


William Bartheley and other /


Item that the masse and dirige was not laudable to be said for the soules departed


Clerc of hedcorn

Item he hathe bookes of Tyndall and ffrith

21 Septembris 1543

Jo. Toftes

He is noted to be a common maynteyner supporter and harborer of suspect personnes / as it hath appered by divers personnes that hathe been accused of

such words." In Northgate parish he said "If you knew what abominations are in the words of absolution which the priest sayeth over you when you be shriven, you would abhor them;" also "that in the christening of children priests be murderers." 26 Sept. 1543.John Boucher of Fretynden said "that matins and evensong was no better than rumbling of tubs"; also that mass and dirige were not laudable. Cr. : "Offensive." Clerk of Hedcorn has books of Tyndall and Frith. 21 Sept. 1543.Jo. Toftes is noted as a common maintainer and harbourer of persons accused of heresies,