
He saied in a Sermon made at Staple on marye magdalen day last past. John Baptist had his hed smytten of for speaking of the truthe and so now a daies / for speking of the truthe many have ther heddes broken

he saied he was no chaungelyng: but loke what he taught us before tyme: he will abud by it


He saied in his churche of Staple Addisham the xviii of Marche 1542. That if the people knew the abhomynable wourdes that are saied in the hallowing of palmes. they wold not beare them. /

sclanderous to me

He saied the same day that he had commaundement of certaine of the counseill to sett furthe suche thinges:


He saied he could not fynde in his conscience to say or singe Ave Rex before the Roode: for it is playne Idolatry

sclande seditious

He saied that the ymage of the Trinitie is not to be suffred nor that he cannot fynde Trinitas thorought scripture / but that Athnasius put it in his symbolum

halowinge of the fonte

He saied it is not consonaunt to the lawe of god that wee shuld crye or call to saintz. or to sing or saye the letany before the hallowing of the font / nor other tymes, ne no procession commaundid.

He said in a sermon at Staple on Mary Magdalen's day : "John Baptist had his head smitten off for speaking of the truth; and so, nowadays, for speaking of the truth, many have their heads broken." He said he was no changeling but would abide by what he said. He said in his ch. of Addisham (Cr. has written "Staple" over) 18 March, 1542, that if the people knew what abominable words are said in the hallowing of palms, they would not bear them; also, that he had commandment of certain of the Council to set forth such things; that he could not find in his conscience to say or sing Ave Rex before the rood, for it was plain idolatry; that the image of the Trinity is not to be suffered and he cannot find Trinitas throughout Scripture, but that Athanasius put it in his Symbolum; that it is not consonant to the law of God that we should cry or call to Saints, or sing or say the litany before the hallowing of the font, "nor other times, ne no procession commanded."