Sir Symon Oxley preest saied to hym. Yf I were your goostely father I wold neither absolve you / nor geve you penaunce /

Archebold aunswered: haste thou auctority to absolve me or geve my me penaunce, nay thou maiste kepe sheepe

Christ saied mas apon the mount of Calvary and that is sufficient for my soule Sir Richard Stickney. Edwarde lull of Davyngton & other.

23 Septembr

is Hedcrone, Thomas Baker; john Tonge; Nicolas Tery

  • Thomas baker
  • john Tonge
  • Nicolas Tery

be sediciouse and perverse personnes whiche refuse to use suche laudable ceremonies of this

Realme as taking of hally bread / and hally water bearing of Candelles on palme sonday / and creaping to the crosse. which also do comonly use to sitt in the churche or ellis to be in the ale hous in the tyme of procession

john ffishcocke

Johne ffishecocke the yonger will never receyve the pax but is redy to strike the children that bring it he was not this yere confessed after the common sort of the churche but after this sorte: first without benedicte he saied. I knouledge to god that I am a grevouse synner / and noon so grevouse as I ffor I am not able to kepe the commaundementes for who so offendeth in one offendeth in all And therefore I crye god mercy :

Sir Simon Oxley, priest, said to him "If I were your ghostly father, I would neither absolve you nor give you penance." He answered "Hast thou authority to absolve me or give me penance? Nay, thou mayest keep sheep." "Christ said mass upon the Mount of Calvary and that is sufficient for my soul." 23 Sept., Hedcrone.Thos. Baker, John Tonge and Nic. Terry refuse laudable ceremonies and commonly sit in the church or are in the alehouse at the time of procession. John Fishecock the younger will not receive the pax but is ready to strike the children that bring it. He was not confessed this year after the common sort, but thus :first, without Benedicite, he said "I knowledge to God that I am a grievous sinner, and none so grievous as I, for I am not able to keep the commandments; for whoso offendeth in one offendeth in all. And therefore I cry God mercy."