Raynold Buckemer


He said that the sacrament of the Alter was bred as other brede was / And that the knave preistes did receyve hym before none, and did pisse and shite hym at hooreys arseis at after no none,

  • John Maie
  • John Todde
  • John Stokewell
  • Henry Cloke


21 Septembris

Johne Benson


Off alhaloud aye parishe in Canterbury spake in contempte of the sacrament of Extreme unction thus, If I should chaunce to be sicke and die I had as leve to smethe my cote quod he therwich as his bodie, ffor I can sweate faste enowgh

Joys Benson

offensive & erour

Johne Benson and Joyse his wife talking of our Ladie said that she vz, mary should have born Christe, askyng her no leave

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21 Septembris 1543.

Richard Turner

He said on passion Sondaye laste paste that Almyghtie god was the soule preiste and song the last masse of requiem, And other masses profyteth not theym that be departed

Raymond Buckemer said "that the Sacrament of the Altar was bread as other bread was, and that the knave priests did receive him before noon and did piss and shit him at hooreys arses at afternoon." 21 Sept.John Benson of Alhalond parish in Canterbury "spake in contempt of the Sacrament of extreme unction thus : If I should chance to be sick and die I had as leve to smethe my cote, quod he, therewith as his body; for I can sweat fast enough." "John Benson and Joyse his wife talking of Our Lady said that she, viz. Mary, should have borne Christ asking her no leave." 21 Sept. 1543.Ric. Turner said on Passion Sunday that Almighty God was the soul priest and sung the last mass of requiem, and other masses profiteth not them that be departed.