
majesties pleasur to have suche Images abused to be pulled down but also to be disfigured and nothing of suche ymages to remayne with the tabernacle / Mr. Rande made this answer and said, he thought it not the kynges gracious pleasur where no comyn offering was to pull down suche pictures being patron of yngland, and the churche dedicate in the same name of the holie saincte, Why not said the Comissarye as well as the crucifix we have no patron but only Christe: Than answered Mr. Rand, yf you pull down the crucifix, than pull down all, ffor the more suertie, he commandid this to be don and his somner Jo Brigges to see it down, Other cause had thei none, but by cause he was borne in procession on S. Georgis daye in the honour of god and the king with Mr. Maier, the Aldermen, their wiffes with all the commens of the same going in procession, Witnes of this John Toffer parson, Jo paris curate. christofer Ovyngton / Gregory Rand / bartilmew peters Robert Lawrence, Edwarde Cotles with moo /

26 Septembris 1543

Jo Starkey


John Starkey said that the Rode light shold not be lighted, but when it pleasid hym, And although the king had suffered light before the Rode, yet he gave no commandment to light theym

Starkey spake other divers wourdes specified in the detection of Northgate


  • William kempe vicar
  • Thomas Bradkerke
  • Roger mantell
  • John Boydon

Majesty's pleasure to have such images abused to be pulled down, but also to be disfigured, and nothing of such images to remain, with the tabernacle. Mr. Rande made this answer and said he thought it not the King's gracious pleasure, where no common offering was, to pull down such pictures, being patron of England and the church dedicate in the name of the holy Saint. Why not, said the Commissary, as well as the Crucifix? We have no patron but Christ. Then answered Mr. Rand If you pull down the Crucifix, then pull down all. For the more surety he commanded this to be done, and his sumner, John Brigges, to see it done. Other cause had they none but because he was borne in procession on St. George's day in the honor of God and the King, with Mr. Mayor, the aldermen, their wives, with all the commons of the same going in procession. Witness of this John Toffer, parson, John Paris, curate, Christopher Ovyngton, Gregory Rond, Bartilmew Peters, Robert Lawrence, Edward Cotles, with moo." 26 Sept."John Starkey said that the rood light should not be lighted but when it pleased him, and although the King had suffered light before the rood yet he gave no commandment to light them." "Starkey spake other words specified in the detection of North gate."