21 Septembris 1543.

Marget Toftes the yongar



The 25 daye of July last past in northegat parishe she said that the ymages in the churche we devilles and Idolles, and wished that the churche and thei were on a fyer. henry hayhowe. John Boyden

haly water


She said and reported that her dowghter did pysse as good holywater as the priest coulde make any


Item she warned the parishe clerke servante, that he should bring no haliwater to her house. Maude Raynolde & the parish clerke servant.


Item she said that the water in her well was good as the halywater

Item she said that it cannot be redde in scripture that our ladie shoulde be in heaven Robert Mr. Starkey. Elizabeth  Mantle.


She did not crepe the crosse on good frydaye nor on Easter daye theis iii yeres now paste nor none of her house


Item she said openly in the churche on goodfrydaye last paste that it was abhominable ydolatrie to see it

Margaret Toftes seniour



She did not crepe the crosse the iii yeres past, nor none of her householde She said that it was abhominable Idolatrie to see it and she wolde crepe to the Lorde in her harte, and that was the right creping

Testes He

  • Henry hayghehowe
  • Jo. Boydon
  • Maude Raynolde
  • The parishe clerke servante

21 Sept. 1543.-Margaret Toftes the younger said, 25 July last in Northegate parish, that images in the church were devils and idols, and wished the church and they were set on fire. She also said "that her daughter could piss as good holy water as the priest could make any." She warned the parish clerk's servant not to bring any holy water to her house and said the water in her well was as good. " She said that it cannot be read in Scripture that Our Lady should be in Heaven. " She has not crept to the Cross on Good Friday or Easter day for three years past, nor any of her house. She said openly in the Church on Good Friday that it was abominable idolatry to see it.