
Item that the materiall churche is a thinge made and ordeyned to content thaffection of man, and is not the thinge that pleaseth god / nor that gods requirith / But is a thinge that god dothe tolerat for the weakenes of man. ffor as the father contentith the child with an aple, or a hobby horse not because thies thinges doo delite the father. but because the child is ruled by affections, is more desierous of  thies thinges than the father is reioysed in the dede. Soo almighty god condiscending to the infirmity of man and his weakenes, (dothe tolerate materiall churches gorgeously buylt and richely decked, not because he requirith or is pleased with suche thinges


Mr. Parkhurst, Mr. Gardiner. Mr. milles.


He preached in Christchurche on whitsondaye last past that ymages wer veray daungerously permitted in the churche. alledging this text Deutronomi 4. ne errore decepti adoremus et colamus etc.

Item that they whiche went about to take away the reading of the bible, did even so goo about to plucke Christes wourde and the holly gost p from the people /

that "the material Church" was a thing to satisfy the affection of man, not that God required it, like a toy which a father gives to his child, not to please himself. [He preached in Christchurch on Whitsunday last that images were very dangerously permitted in the Church, and that they who went about to take away the reading of the Bible went about to pluck Christ's words and the Holy Ghost's from the people;