
Dominica in 70 Anno Domini 1542o


Where as I good Christians have ever preachid unto you truly the wourde of god, as I reporte me to the conscience of you all, yet some that have evill eares did evill reportes of me, But if thair eares were cutof as malchus was and setup, where every man myght wonder at theym, I thinke therin a man shoulde not wyshe muche againste charitie

Dominica. 4ta post pascha. Anno Domini 1543o


Summe if thei see other given to goodnes to folowe the decrees of holie churche, to knele before the Blessyd sacrament Thei will counsaile theym frome the same and say, deus in manufactis templis non habitat, Thei will have none of the holie doctours, Thei will not have S. Augustine S. Ambrose. S. Hierome, S Gregory. Basyll. Gregory Nazianzene etc.


Synce the tyme, that we have ben geven to newfangelles the spirite of newfangelles hath brought in the sprite of errour, But what remedie than (said he) to obteyne the spirite of trueth againe? Of that (said he) I spake the laste tyme that I preachid, And shewid you that we muste returne, where we went oute, we muste returne to our dogge, to our conscience againe, and that will certifie us where ys the truethe.

Dominica 3a. Anno Domini 1533.

Populus Judaicus pronus erat ad Idololatriam, unde a Domino inquit prohibiti sunt facere ymagines, at nunc cessante causa viz studio Idololatrie, cessat effectus.

xxiv. Sandwiche. "Do. in 70 (Septuagesima Sunday) Anno Domini 1542." "Whereas I, good Christians, have ever preached unto you truly the word of God, as I report me to the conscience of you all, yet some that have evil ears did evil report of me. But if their ears were cut off as Malchus' was and set up where every man might wonder at them, I think therein a man should not wish much against charity." "Do. 4a post pascha Ao. D'ni. 1543.Some, if they see other given to goodness to follow the decrees of the Holy Church, to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament, they will counsel them from the same and say Deus in manufactis templis non habitat. They will have none of the holy doctors. They will not have St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. Hierome, St. Gregory, Basyll, Gregory Nazianzene, &c." "Since the time that we have been given to newfangells the spirit of newfangells hath brought in the spirit of error. But what remedy then, said he, to obtain the spirit of truth again? Of that, said he, I spake last time that I preached, and showed you that we must return where we went out. We must return to our dog, to our conscience again, and that will certify us where is the truth. "Do. 3a, Ao Do. 1533 (sic).Populus Judaicus pronus erat ad idolatriam, unde a Domino, inquit, prohibiti sunt facere ymagines; at nunc, cessante causa, viz. studio idolatri, cessat effectus."