Edwarde Dyngleden of Rolvynden.



he hath forsaken his own parish church at the tyme of Ester thies ii yeres togither, & hath gone to walsyngam & wolde at no tyme shewe to the Vicar a lawful certificate that he had receyved the blessed sacrament at the tymes commonly accustomed as a christen man ought to do

pater noster in english

he obstinatly refuseth to lerne his pater noster, Ave, Crede and the x commaundmentes in English, accordynge to the kynges injunctions. The curate of Rolvenden, & he can declare other wytnes.

Sir Edwarde Sponer vicar of Boughton.



he hath not declared to his parishioneres the right use of ceremonies, neither shewed the difference bitwene theym & workes commaunded by god, as he is commaunded by the kynges proclamations

the busshope of Rome

he hath not preched agaynst the busshope of Rome his usurped power, & set furth the kynges supremicie, as he is bownde by the kynges injunctions & other his procedynges.

he hath not preched his quarter sermons, neither at Boughton, nor at his benefice in the marshe.


he never declared that the evyns of such sayntes whose holy dayes be abrogated, be no fastynge dayes. Witnes Mr hawkyns with other of both his parisshes.

Archdiaconus Cantuariensis


The morowe after the Ascension was iii yeres he toke out of the church of saynt Andres in Canturbery iii lampes taperes brennynge bifore the sacrament, & a cote from a roode & dyd violently breake the armes and legges of the roode.

Sir William kempe Vicar of Northgate

he hath not red the bible syns pentecost as he was commaunded by the ordinary


he doth not declare to his parishoners the right vse of holy water, holy breade, berynge of candelles opon candlemas day, gyvynge of Ashes, beringe of palmes, crepinge of the crosse. ffor lacke wherof the most part many yn most part of the said parish be as ignorant in such thynges as ever they were & many of theym do abuse the same holy water, In so much that agaynst tempestes of thonder & lightenynge many do runne

vi. (fn. 11) Edw. Dyngleden of Rolwynden (1) has forsaken his own parish church at Easter for two years together and gone to Walsingham, refusing always to show the vicar a certificate that he had received the Sacrament at the accustomed times. Margin : "Pilgrimages." (2.) He obstinately refuses to learn his Paternoster, Ave, Creed and Ten Commandments in English. Witness, the curate of Rolvenden, and he can declare others. vii. (fn. 11) Sir Edw. Sponer, vicar of Boughton, (1) has not declared to his parishioners the right use of ceremonies, nor shown the difference between them and works commanded by God, as required by the King's proclamations. Margin : "Ceremonies." (2.) Has not preached against the Bp. of Rome and set forth the Supremacy. (3.) Has not preached his quarter sermons, either at Boughton or at his benefice in the Marsh; and never declared the Evens of Saints whose days be abrogated to be no fasting days. Witness, Mr. Hawkyns, with other of both his parishes. viii. "Archidiaconus Cantuariensis, (fn. 22) " the morrow of Ascension was three years, took out of thech. of St. Andrew's in Canterbury, 3 lamp tapers burning before the Sacrament, and a coat from a rood, "and did violently break the arms and legs of the rood." ix. Sir William Kempe, vicar of Northgate, (1) has not read the Bible since Pentecost as commanded by the Ordinary; (2) does not declare to his parishioners the right use of holy water, holy bread, bearing of candles upon Candlemas day, giving of ashes, bearing of palms, "creeping of the Cross," "for lack whereof the most part of the parish be as ignorant in such things as ever they were, and many of them do abuse holy water; insomuch that against tempests of thunder and lightning many run