Item What communicacion conference and Lettres you have had with any person or persons as towching newe opinions theis enormities in kent, my lordes grace, his householde or of any other his servantes, or officers, or of any of the preachers, Or what Lettres you have writen or receyvid of any man concernyng the premisses within the dioces of kente or els where, and to what effecte

Item Whither you were at any tyme movid to be a dooer or a witnes in the premisses, or in any of them and by whome, at what tyme, and in what matter and what as you thinke movid theym to make suche motion to you

Item whither you have harde saie, that you have ben susspecte both in the courte and in the Countrie to be one of the conspiracie againste my lorde and by whome

Item What communicacion you have had openlie of the princes of Germanye, and whither amonges other you had not this, That thei were robbers and thevis, saying, You may see nowe, wherunto the gospell is come,  and what mouid you so to saie

Item Whither you saied theis wourdes or like in effecte The congregation of Hadley is a wurshipfull congregation, Yf one of theym were hanged against  an other, it were not a halpeney matter, and what movid you so to saie

Item Whither you saied theis wourdes I never came to C but I had displeasur either of my lordes grace, or  other, and what movid you so to saie.

13. What communication you have had with any persons touching new opinions, these enormities in Kent, my lord's Grace, his household or any of his servants or any of the preachers, or what letters you have written or received about them. 14. Whether you were ever moved to be a doer or a witness in the premises, and by whom and when. 15. Whether you have heard say that you have been suspect, both in the Court and in the country, to be one of the conspiracy against my lord, and by whom. 16. What communication you have had openly of the princes of Germany, "and whether amongst other things you had this, 'That they were robbers and thieves,' saying 'You may see now whereunto the Gospel is come,' and what moved you so to say." 17. Whether you said "The congregation of Hadley is a worshipful congregation. If one of them were hanged against another it were not a halfpenny matter," and what moved you so to say.