Memorandum that kinge henry beinge divers tymes by Busshop Gardiner enformed against Busshoppe Cranmer, and the saide Gardiner havinge his instrucions of one Dr London a stoute and filthie prebendary  of windesor, whoe theare convicted did weare a paper openlye and rodde throughe the towne with his face towardes the horse taile, and also had informacion of Mr Moyles, Mr Baker, & of sum others promooted by the said Cramner whose tales he uttred to the kinge, whoe perceivinge the malice trusted the said Cramner with thexaminacion of thes matters which he did of divers persons as by this doth appeare

vide. pag. 418

P. 1. The following is in Archbishop Parker's hand on the back of the sheet : "Memorandum that King Henry, being divers times by Bishop Gardiner informed against Bishop Cranmer, and the said Gardiner having his instructions of one Dr. London, a stout and filthy prebendary of Windsor, who, there convicted, did wear a paper openly and rode through the town with his face towards the horse's tail, and also had information of Mr. Moyle, Mr. Baker and of some others promoted by the said Cranmer, whose tales he uttered to the King, who, perceiving the malice, trusted the said Cranmer with th'examination of these matters; which he did of divers persons, as by this doth appear." Underneath this is written in another hand : Vide pag. 418; referring to a passage in the brief memoir of Cranmer at the end of the Volume. (fn. 18)