Mr Parkehurst prebendary.

He hath not made yerly the ten sermons in the contrey, which he is bownde to do by that he is prebendary.

the busshope of Rome

He hath not in his own person preched in his church at Ashforde agaynst the usurpation of the Busshope of Rome, & set out the kynges maiestie supremicie accordynge to his maiesties lettres, injunctions, & proclamations, nether hath he declared to his parish the difference bitwene ceremonies & workes commaunded by god, nether hath he shewed the right use of the said ceremonies & the superstitions used hertofore by theym, accordynge to the said letteres, injunctions and proclamations


He hath not declared in his parish that the evyns of such sayntes as be abrogated to be no fastynge dayes.

Henry laurence of Rayname


He commaunded the clerke to brynge no holy water to his howse, & sayd it was good to fray the spretes of the buttr

Bartilmewe the surgeon


He said to William Burges general apparitor. Thou art he that wolde have pulled downe our saynt George, but your master lyeth by the hele, & we have shewed the takynge downe therof to the kynges cowncel, & were byd set it up agayne.


the iiii of ffebruary last at Boughton

  • Thomas Hawkins,
  • Thomas Porrich.
  • Raynolde Smith,
  • Sir John Legate.
  • & the vicar there of Boughton

ffastynge profiteth no thynge one tyme mor than other. He rayled of the light bifore the sacrament, and the cloth that lay bifore the aultar, of the ornamentes of the church.

he defaced a chaple at Ospringe, pulled downe the images, and solde al the stuff.

Thomas Gymlot alias Barbour

The parish of Buckland complayneth that he beinge a lay man hath the vicarege ther gyven unto hym under the kynges brode seale, & he causeth not the cure to be served as of right apperteyneth, but they be fayne of their own charges to fynde a curate.

xii. Mr. Parkehurst, Prebendary. He hath not made yearly the ten sermons in the country, which he is bound to do by that he is prebendary. "He hath not in his own person preached in his church at Ashford against the usurpation of the Bishop of Rome, and set out the King's Majesty's supremacy according to his Majesty's letters, injunctions and proclamations; neither hath he declared to his parish the difference between ceremonies and works commanded by God; neither hath he showed the right use of the said ceremonies and the superstitions used heretofore by them, according to the said letters, injunctions and proclamations." Margin : "The Bishop of Rome." "He hath not declared in his parish that the Evens of such Saints as be abrogated to be no fasting days." Margin : "Proclamations." xiii. Henry Laurence of Rayname. "He commanded the clerk to bring no holy water to his house, and said it was good to fray the spretes of the buttry." Margin : "Ceremonies." xiv. Bartilmewe the surgeon. "He said to William Burges, general apparitor, 'Thou art he that would have pulled down our St. George, but your master lyeth by the heel, and we have showed the taking down thereof to the King's Council and were bid set it up again.'" Margin : "Images." xv. Blande, the 4 of February last at Boughton. Fasting profiteth nothing one time more than another. "He railed of the light before the Sacrament and the cloth that lay before the Altar, of the ornaments of the Church. He defaced a chapel at Ospringe, pulled down the images and sold all the stuff." In margin are the following names (of course witnesses) : "Tho. Hawkins, Tho. Porrich, Raynolde Smith, Sir John Legate, and the vicar of Boughton." xvi. Thomas Gymlot alias Barbour. The parish of Buckland complaineth that he, being a layman, hath the vicarage there given unto him under the King's broad seal, and he causeth not the cure to be served as of right appertaineth, but they be fain of their own charges to find a curate.