Interrogatories for Doctor London

Whether he thretened Serles bicau commawnded Serles opon palme sonday evyn to wryte such articles erronious as had been preched in Kent.

Whether Serles brought the articles opon palme sonday

Whether he required Serles to go with hym to the councceil to present the said articles, or elles to subscribe theym with his hand, & Serles refused so to do, bicause they were not proved by witnes, but onely by hearesay

Whether he thretened Serles bicause he wolde not sette his hande, notwithstandynge that Serles knewe theym not but by hearesay.


How Doctor london dyd fynde out Serles, & how longe he had enquered for hym bifore he cowde fynde hym.

Whether in the presens of Serles Doctor london d penne they articles anewe otherwise than they were ted.

Whether Mr. Serles said than to Doctor willoughby (whom Doctor london had persuaded to go with hym to the counseil.) beware what you do, for you shal never be able to prove theym of this sorte that Doctor london doth now penne theym.

Whether beside the boke subscribed by diverse prebendaries & other of Canturbery Doctor london made an other grete booke of many mo articles.

Where that boke is, & of whom he had his instructions. What matters he knewe agaynst tharchbusshope of Canturbery or other in Kent, bifore palme sonday last past, when he had articles of Sir Serles, & of whom he had such knowlege bifore before the said day.

Part I.Interrogatories for Dr. London :

Whether he commanded Serles, on Palm Sunday, to write "such articles erron[eous] as had been preached in Kent" and required him to go with him to the Council to present the articles or else sign them; and threatened Serles for refusing?

How he found out Serles?

Whether he penned the articles anew in Serles's presence, who said to Dr. Willoughby (who had agreed to go to the Council) that they could not be proved as Dr. London now penned them?

Whether, "beside the book subscribed by divers prebendaries and others of Canterbury, Dr. London made another great book of many more articles, where it is and who instructed him?

What he knew against the abp. of Canterbury and others before Palm Sunday last, when he had the articles of Serles, and of whom he had such knowledge before that day." In Cranmer's hand, p. 1.